We’re rapidly reaching the end of the PIPERS Expedition to the Ross Sea. The cruise was planned for 66 days; in the end it looks like it may be 62 days to account for some fuel calculations and a safety…
Author Archive for Brice Loose
Three more classrooms!
by Brice Loose • • 5 Comments
This is an amendment to the first blog post about classrooms. Julie Parno from CRREL has been aboard the PIPERS cruise, participating in sea ice research, including LIDAR scans of the ice surface (Check out Julie’s previous post here!). Before the…
Two Crew Members Aboard the NBP
by Brice Loose • • 13 Comments
We’ve posted a lot about the cool (pun) science and life as a scientist aboard the NBP, but the science party represents less than half of the crew aboard the NBP (actually, we’re called guests). Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO), the…
PIPERS around the World, in at least 3 languages and two classrooms
by Brice Loose • • 13,574 Comments
Out here in the Southern Ocean, surrounded by ice and darkness, things can get a bit lonely. As we slowly work our way north through the ice, stopping for Belgian Biogeochemical Stations, for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle missions, and to drop…
Katabatic Wind Event!
by Brice Loose • • 7,670 Comments
Well, it happened. We finally made it to Terra Nova Bay, and as we entered we ran smack into a katabatic wind event. To recap, these are strong winds that blow off the Antarctic continent, typically lasting for 12 –…
A Tale of the « Dragon Skin » sea ice
by Brice Loose • • 8,954 Comments
[By Jean-Louis Tison, Universite Libre du Bruxelles] Hi everyone!…This is Jean-Louis Tison, one of the Belgians on board!..I thought I’d drop you a few words about our new exciting sight of yesterday, 28th of April. If you are a faithful…
Iron and the Importance of the Wintry Mix
by Brice Loose • • 7,745 Comments
This gallery contains 2 photos →
PIPERS faceboard
by Brice Loose • • 10,495 Comments
Meet the faces of NBP17-04: The crew of RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, the amazing technical staff from the Antarctic Science Contract (ASC) and of course the science team. Also updated to the Science Team page (http://geotracerkitchen.org/pipers/?page_id=43).
Happy Easter from the NBP!
by Brice Loose • • 7,853 Comments
If you were worried that the Easter Bunny was not intrepid enough to visit us out here on the Southern Ocean, never fear because Easter and the bunny landed on the NBP in technicolor glory. On Easter morning the crew…
Bouncing and shimying down to 66°S
by Brice Loose • • 12,291 Comments
Well, the roaring forties did not disappoint. We’ve had steady 40 knot winds for the past 24 hours, and it’s got us in a Southern Ocean state of mind. The last few items not lashed or stashed made themselves known…